Spain, Spanish, Songs, Lyrics, translated into English, Latin Music
Un violinista en tu tejado (A violinist over your roof) by Melendi (Spain)
Translation: Laura
Eres tan dura
you are as hard/tough
como la piedra de mi mechero
as the stone of my lighter
Me asaltan dudas
doubts come to me
de si te quiero
regarding if i love you
Eres tan fria como el agua
you are as cold as the water
que baja libre de la montaña.
that free goes down the mountain
Estribillo 1 - Refrain
Y no lo entiendo
and I dont understand
Fue tan efimero
it was so ephemeral
el caminar de tu dedo en mi espalda
the walk (movement) of your finger in my back
dibujando un corazon
drawing a heart
Y pido al cielo que sepa comprender
and I ask heaven to understand (that he is able to understand or ask heaven to understand him...)
estos ataques de celos
this jaelosy attacks
que me entran si yo no te vuelvo a ver.
that come to me if I dont see you again
Estribillo 2
Le pido a la luna
I ask the moon
que alumbre tu vida
to iluminate your life
la mia hace ya tiempo que yace fundida
mine is laying blowed since long time
Con lo que me cuesta
As it cost me so much
querer solo a ratos
to love you just for some whiles (not constantly, not all the time)
mejor no te quiero, sera mas barato
I better dont love you, it will be cheaper
Cansado de ser el triste violinista que esta en tu tejado
tired of being the sad violinist over your roof
Tocando pa (1) el ingles siempre desafinado.
playing for the english (men), always out of tune
Eres tan tenue
you are as soft
como la luz que alumbra en mi vida
as the light that lights in my life
La mas madura fruta prohibida
the most ripen forbiden fruit
Tan diferente
so different
y parecida
and similar
a la tormenta que se llevo mi vida
to the storm that took my life away
Estribillo 1
Estribillo 2
Mientras rebusco en tu basura
while I look in your garbage
nos van creciendo los enanos
get growing the dawrfs
de este circo que un dia montamos
of this circus that one day we set up
Pero que no quepa duda
but without any doubt
Muy pronto estaré liberado
very soon i will be free
Porque el tiempo todo lo cura
because time heals everything
Porque un clavo saca otro clavo
because a nail takes out another nail (2)
Siempre desafinado
always out of tune
Mientras rebusco en tu basura
while I look in your garbage
Nos van creciendo los enanos
get growing the dawrfs
De este circo que un dia montamos
of this circus that one day we set up
(1) pa= para
(2) this is a saying that means that the lost of something we like can be replace by anmother similar one (like a boyfriend(girlsfriend).
Official video
Hi, there's a blog that talks about just how hard it is to replicate a song's beauty in a translation. It also has a link to a site with tons of translated songs if you're interested. It's here:
Nice site! Any more melendi?
Efimerous is not a word in English, you mean ephemeral. Thanks for your work!
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