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Thank you in adavnce, Laura
Hola, te felicito la traduccion esta muy bien hecha. Gracias por publicarla.
I've just found your blog. It's helped me tremendously! Keep up the good work! :)
Fantastic site! You're doing a great job!
Desde Las Vegas, Nevada
Es muy bonito este sitio. Me ayudó mucho y mandé su direccion a un amigo mio que esta estudiando el idioma.
It is very commendable that you have taken it upon yourself to do this for people who you probably will never know or meet. ¡Eso es!
¡Te celebro! !Pa' delante¡
John Johnson
I'm very excited that I found your site! For years, I would try to translate my favorite Spanish songs by looking up the words individually and asking others, but I could never make much sense out of it. I only looked at a few of your songs and I'm already addicted! I'll be visiting often. I think this will help me tremendously in learning to speak fluently. Thank you and keep up the good work.
This is really helpful and appreciated.
Thanks for posting the translations.....I'm teaching myself spanish
and now listening to spanish songs and it's helping me a lot.
Stephen :)
My husband thinks I'm nuts b/c I'm constantly listening to spanish music. It is so helpful in remembering what I learned in school years ago. I love this site!
Excellent site. Have a longstanding interest in languages as well as music. This site offers a chance to practice a bit of both. Brava!
Hola Laura!
I just found your Spanish songs translation website and I want to thank you very much for doing this! Not only am I a big fan of Latin music, I am also a salsa dancer and often I feel I could use the music better if I know more precise what the song is about. I learn Spanish in school but not nearly enough to fully understand the songs.
Today on your website I found a few of my favorite salsa songs and I can't tell you how excited I was to be able to understand the whole thing!
So thank you very much and I hope I can refer to your site for more of my favorite salsa songs.
Best regards,
The Netherlands
Hola :-) I applaud you for doing this!!! And you're right! way to learn a language and how it is réally used is through listening to it's music and watching movies. Cuz language classes only give you the words and tools...but how to really speak is a different thing altogether! Spanish is too diverse to be learned in school
I've been drowning myself in spanish music for little more than a year now, I didnt know how to speak spanish a year ago but now I can genuinely have a conversation and understand just about everything. all due to translating lyrics because like you said, you see how conversions are really used and what not it's great would recommend it to anyone.
A great help also, maybe you can link to it on this blog, is a wmp lyrics plugin I had downloaded it finds most if not all lyrics of songs that you play in your wmplayer so you can read along to the singing and use something like google.translate for your translations.
I browsed through some of your translations and your doing a good job, watch out though to not translate to literraly but find more flowing words. but details lol
GREAT Job, i'll deffinitly be checking back !!
You're probably heard this many times before, but THANK YOU for the lyrics page on Iranian music. I have been looking for the lyrics and translation of Tang-e Ghoroube for so long and I found it on your blog today. I've often wondered why there isn't a comprehensive website with Persian music lyrics but you've started one, so thanks!
Thank you so much for this blog! I am learning Spanish and am trying to listen to songs to help with this. I heard "Quiero Ser" on the radio (via internet) today and have been trying to translate the words. Thanks to your blog I now understand them all! THANK YOU!
I've been trying to learn Spanish and my friend just sent me an Eydie Gorme CD so that I could learn more through music. Your site was just what I was looking for, lyrics in Spanish and English! Thank you for all your work!
Well, what a coincidence, following the last post: Eydie Gorme has led me to this wonderful resource you've provided, as well. I'm a bit ashamed to say, I've just re-discovered Eydie after 30 years or so, and, frankly, never knew of her Spanish recordings, so those with the TRIO LOS PANCHOS, especially are a revelation. (Sabor a Mi just blows me away, even without the translation!)So I think it's time to learn a bit of Spanish. Thank you so much for the way to do it.
I really appreciate your site, I agree it is a wonderful way to learn a language and I have been studying Spanish by listening to music for some time now, so this site is a great help.
It would be useful if there was a way to print just the text of the songs.
I would also love to see some translations of Diomedes Diaz, Alfonso Cruz Jimenez, and Facundo Cabral. Again thank you very much for your excellent work.
Bravo. I have long thought this might be a way to unfreeze the barriers to learning spanish. Thanks so much for doing this. There will be a place in bilingual heaven for you.
What a great idea! I'll be back often to use your site to "study" Spanish and learn some great new songs!
Wow! I am so happy that I found your site! This is awesome!
I am a middle school teacher in Winnipeg, Canada (my first name is also Laura) and I have just started a culture club at my school to celebrate the diversity of cultures in the school.
Each month we will be focusing on a different culture and language. This month we are learning about Latin-American cultures and the Spanish language.
I am of Mexican heritage and I wanted to share 'Mexico en la Piel' with my students, so I began searching for a translation of the song, and found the awesome video and lyrics on your site! AMAZING! I can't wait to share this with my students!
Thanks so much!
(I also have a student from Columbia and I was so pleased that you have Shakira on there too! Thanks again!)
This is really great! thanks so much for thinking of this. I'm half puerto rican and don't know very much spanish. Thank you for this additional tool!
Thanks so much for this site! I'm trying to refresh the Spanish I learned many years ago. Music is a great way to do it. The only thing I can think of that would make this site any better is if we could download the songs as mp3s, so we could listen while away from the computer. I'd guess that isn't possible. Maybe I can find these songs at another site... But thanks for what's here!
Hey I really like your site, I'm a native English speaker living in Spain, I sing Spanish and English language music, I'll definitely come back to this site!
Hallo Donnie, thank you for your mail and for the translation of La Flaca. Please, send me any comment or correction you consider can improve the translations. Best regards,
Ditto to all the thank you messages. Years ago, my spanish teacher turned me onto "Los Panchos", and I've been hooked ever since on this lovely way of learning another language! I also remember the phrase, "donde trabajaba Manuel," from Joan Baez's "Te Recuerdo Amanda,"--the use of the imperfect tense finally clicked for me! I just wish I could learn this way all day long! (But my iPod hooked up to my car radio sure helps.)
thanks for making this site! Its perfect for me and my spanish practice!
Here I was, thinking it was totally my idea to learn Spanish by listening to music. And here I find a whole blog dedicated to it after months of doing it on my own! This made me smile and I'm so happy to have found others who are doing the same thing as me. :)))
One thing I'm trying, though, is listening to the songs, looking up the lyrics, but not translating them. I've studied linguistics and apparently, you learn a language better if you acquire it the same way you did your first language -- solely based on exposure and context. Over time, I've started picking out words and understanding what they mean simply because I've seen them in different songs/contexts. However, I'm already multilingual and know another romance language, so I'm not sure if this would work for everyone.
Sorry for the long comment. Keep up the awesome work!
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