27 April 2008

Janitzio* by Artist unknown (Mexico)

Spain, Spanish, Songs, Lyrics, translated into English, Latin Music
Janitzio* by Artist unknown (Mexico)
Translation: Laura

Son las redes de plata un encaje (1) tan sutil
are the silk nets such a subtle lace
mariposas que duermen en la noche de zafir,
butterflies that sleep in the sapphire night

como brilla la luna sobre el lago de cristal
as the moon shines over the glass lake
así brillan tus ojos cuando acaban de llorar
so your eyes shine when they have just cried
noches de serenata de plata y organdí
nights of silver and organdí (2) serenade
quejas para la ingrata que por traidor perdí
claims for the ungrateful that for traitor I lost

plenilunio de gloria, historia que se va,
full moon of glory, history/story that goes (away)
ilusión que se pierde y que nunca volverá.
illusion that goes and will never come back
Si me mata tu ausencia, si me ahoga la inquietud
if your absence kills me, if the restlessness suffocates me
si no me tienes clemencia para esta esclavitud
if you have not mercy of me because of this slavery
que las aguas se lleven mi llanto y mi dolor
may the waters take away my cry and my pain
que recoja Janitzio el perfume de mi amor (2x)
may Janitzio pick up the perfume of my love

(*) Janitzio is a fishing town in Mexico.
(1) Encaje means lace: a netlike ornamental fabric made of threads by hand or machine
(2) Organdi is a white cotton fabric very thin and transparent

This lyrics are a bit difficult. Sometimes I dont understand well the meaning in spanish.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Laura,

This song is one my favorites. The composer is Agustin Lara, one of many great composers from Mexico. This song is best interpreted by the late great voice of the Mariachi music David Zaizar. Also wanted to note that you forgot the word Noches meaning Night in English at the beginning of the fifth verse "..de serenata de plata y organdi.."

Thanks for putting up this priceless information. Thank you again!