06 May 2008

Cariñito azucarado (Sweet darling) by Virginia Lopez (Puerto Rico)

Spain, Spanish, Songs, Lyrics, translated into English, Latin Music
Cariñito azucarado (Sweet darling) by Virginia Lopez (Puerto Rico)
Translation: Laura

Yo no pude suponerme lo que sucedio
I could not imagine what happened (what was going to happen)
era un jueguito entre tu y yo
it was a little game between you and I
de inocentes amiguitos jugando al amor
of innocent litle friends playing at love
entre sus redes nos atrapo
in its net trapped us

Cariñito azucarado que sabe a bombón
Sweet darling who tastes of bonbons
amorcito consentido de mi corazón
litle pet love of my heart

Sin saber como ni cuando surgio este romance
without knowing how nor when this romance arose
sin que yo supiera donde iba a llegar
without knowing where it will lead

Comenzo por un dedito y la mano agarro
It started with a little finger and the hand it held
se trepo por un bracito y al labio llego
it climbed up one little arm and came to the lip
Y de un beso al estallido de amor adormecido
and from a kiss to the explosion of sleepy love
cambio de pronto el juego en el mas dulce amor
it suddenly changed the game into the sweetest love

Yo quiero que tu sepas que tu eres en mi vida
I want you to know that you are my life
mi unico consuelo, mi unica alegria
my only comfort, my only joy (happiness)

Estribillo (Refrain)
Que pase lo que pase, le pese que a quien le pese
come what may (what ever may happen), grieve who may (whomever can it cause grief)
que digan lo que digan, tu a mi me perteneces
say what they may (what ever they may say), you belong to me

Y quiero que tu sepas que soy toda ternura
And I what you to know that I am all tenderness
y quiero que tu sepas que te amo con locura
and I what you to know that I love you madly

Estribillo 1

Que contenta estas azuquitar
How happy you are little sugar
Porque ya tu me perteneces...
because you already belong to me


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just saying hello while I read through the posts

hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.