23 November 2008

Tenía tanto que darte (I had so much to give you) by Nena Daconte (Spain)

Spain, Spanish, Songs, Lyrics, translated into English, Latin Music
Tenía tanto que darte (I had so much to give you) by Nena Daconte (Spain)
Translation: Laura

Prometo guardarte en el fondo de mi corazón
I promise to keep you in the bottom of my heart
prometo acordarme siempre de aquel raro diciembre
I promise to always remeber that weird December
prometo encender en tu día especial una vela
I promise to light a candle on your special day
y soplarla por ti, prometo no olvidarlo nunca.
and blow it for you, I promise never forget it.

Tenía tanto que darte, tantas cosas que contarte
I had so much to give you, so many things to tell you
tenía tanto amor guardado para ti,
I had so much love kept (saved, reserved) for you

Camino despacio pensando volver hacia atrás
I walk slow thinking about going back
no puedo, en la vida las cosas suceden no más
I cant, in live things just happen
aún pregunto que parte de tu destino se quedo conmigo
I still wonder which part of your destiny remained with me
pregunto que parte se quedó por el camino.
I wonder which part remained (was left) on the way


Tenía tanto, que a veces maldigo mi suerte
I had so much that sometimes I curse my luck
a veces la maldigo por no seguir contigo.
sometimes I curse it for not still being with you


pararapa parararapa pampararara pararipapa pampararapapa..........

* I guess this song talks about a miscarriage the singer had. I also guess they both were a couple in the past.


Official video


Cin said...

thank you! i love it!

Ujala said...

This is such a beautiful song. never would've guessed what it is about.